Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blue Skies on a Cold Winter Day

It's amazing to live in New Jersey and experience all four seasons. It's also amazing to hear people complain about the snow every year as if it wasn't expected. Hello? We live in New Jersey. It's damn cold in January and February!

Although the warm weather is my absolute favorite, there is something fun about snuggling under blankets, making a fire and watching snow fall. Most people stay indoors more and fear venturing out because of the roads, the ice, the damn cold! I'm not exactly an indoors kind of woman so I always like to entice my friends and family to meet me places they probably don't want to go. A few tips for venturing out in the cold are a must:

  • UGG boots are not snow boots
  • High heels slide down driveways
  • Saving the planet by not warming up the car freezes your ass
  • Alcohol does NOT warm you up
  • Walking two pit bulls in the snow results in falling
  • Snow balls are really ice balls - Don't do it!
  • Duraflame logs Rule!
Enjoy the winter, the cold, the snow... Be grateful you are alive and able to experience season by season. I am grateful for you and look forward to building an igloo in my front yard soon. Come join me inside and keep me warm!!
