Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Dead Mole, a Spider and Ambition

I am not a morning person. My ideal working hours would be from 8 pm to 5 am. Unfortunately, having kids, this can't happen. I smile through my mornings with anticipation of a great day. I try different things all the time to get me through the first few hours and then my hyperactivity gets me through the rest of the day.

On Thursday, feeling overly ambitious, I ran downstairs to do some laundry. There was a pile of clothes on the floor near the washing machine. The laundry basket next to it was remarkably empty (sigh). I picked up the clothes to have something drop out of the sheets. I pulled my dollar store eye glasses down from my head and onto to my face and screamed when I realized it was a dead mole. Yes, a mole. No eyes, long stout and dead, dead, dead. I did a little squeamish dance and realized I had to get rid of it. I grabbed a few dryer sheets, picked it up and tossed it in the toilet. So gross, I washed my hands and cursed those freaking cats holed up in my basement. After my heart rate returned to normal, I picked up the same pile of clothes to have a giant black spider sprint out like Carl Lewis. I was done. So much for ambition. I'm big on symbolism so I figured I'm not meant to do laundry and left Jeff a text message there was laundry to be done.

I shook it off, took a shower, walked the dogs around the lake and laughed to myself about the poor dead mole.

Poor mole probably started out her day ambitious as well... I just succeeded :)

Rock on fabulous friends...
